
Feast of the Assumption Highlights 7 Great Catholics Things to Do This Week for Catholic Clevelanders

T his is your list of what to do in Catholic Cleveland for the Feast of the Assumption from Father X… 1. GO TO MASS! The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION which means that you must attend Holy Mass unless you have a good reason to miss. But why would you want to miss this beautiful feast day commemorating when Our Blessed Mother was assumed, body and soul, into Heaven? 2. There are two opportunities to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio – and if you have never been, you need to make a pilgrimage to this holy site! The first one will be with the Ohio Catholic Bishops on Wednesday, August 14th. A highlight of the day will be a special candlelight Rosary Procession and Vigil Mass for the Assumption at 9 pm featuring both Bishop Malesic and Bishop Woost from Cleveland as the concelebrants. Bishop Thomas from the Diocese of Toledo serves as celebrant. More info here: . 3.

Relics of Saints Clare & Francis of Assisi at Poor Clare Colettine Monastery 8/2 thru 8/11 in Cleveland

  v CLEVELAND, OH, August 2, 2024 - Join the Poor Clare Colettine Nuns of Cleveland (on Rocky River Dr) for a one-of-a-kind Novena beginning August 2nd to celebrate the 830th anniversary of the birth of St. Clare of Assisi.  The pilgrim relics of St. Clare and St. Francis of Assisi will arrive at the Poor Clares monastery for the first-ever tour in North America. The relics, housed in a beautifully crafted brass reliquary, will be available for veneration during each day of the novena.  The relics will be exposed daily (Monday thru Saturday) for veneration in the chapel from 7:30am to 7:30 pm.  Schedule slightly different on Sunday.   “With the arrival of these two exceptionally large pilgrim relics of our holy Father, St. Francis, and our holy Mother, St. Clare, who were known to have an intense devotion to the Holy Eucharist,” observed Mother Dolores, P.C.C., “this year’s novena promises to foster a unique atmosphere conducive to personal prayer and reflection.”  A presentatio

Father X: What to do in Catholic Cleveland the weekend of July 13-14 (New guest column)

  What to do in Catholic Cleveland the weekend of July 13-14 By Father X There’s a lot going on in Catholic Cleveland this weekend and I encourage you to take advantage of it. Consider these Catholic opportunities this weekend: 1. International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima to visit several parishes this weekend. On her travels to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, several parishes are blessed to have a visit by the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Come see the beautiful statue on Friday, July 12th at the Shrine of St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Cleveland); on Saturday, July 13th at St. Jerome (Cleveland); and at St. Sebastian (Akron) on Sunday July 14th. Each parish has their own schedule so please call or check their social media for more information. 2. Catholic Summer Speaker Series continues at Mary Queen of Peace. Noted author Mr. Patrick O’Hearn will speak at Mary Queen of Peace (Cleveland) about “The Prayer Life of the

5 Great Eucharistic Adoration Sites in Cleveland

The world has gone mad, no doubt.  But how should we respond?  Since we are basically only on this Earth for a nanosecond when compared to eternity, perhaps we should find time to talk to God, to discern His will for us, and then to try to do his will…make time to talk with our Lord, to listen to Him, and to beg Him for mercy.  One of the best ways to do this is at Eucharistic Adoration.   "Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. In the many Churches that have this adoration, the Eucharist is displayed in a special holder called a monstrance, and people come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day and often the night. Christ’s great love for us was shown when he was crucified on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and give us eternal life. He loves us without limit, and offers Himself to us in the Holy sacrament of the Eucharist. Can we not give Jesus a few minutes of love and adoration in return?"

Saturday 9/9 at MQP: Answering Chaos with Personal Holiness - Donuts & Updates from the Catacombs II

Yes, the world is a mess.   But God never promised us this would be easy… As His son explained: “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” And so, it is actually a great time to be Catholic in Cleveland, to pick up our cross, to sacrifice and to become a saint.  If you are lonely, come be with friends.  If you are nervous or even angry, come find peace. If you are apathetic, come find a cause to care about…you have a purpose.   And Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. On Saturday, September 9, following the 8am Latin Mass at Mary Queen of Peace Church on Pearl Rd, twelve Catholic and/or pro-family groups will be getting together for free coffee, donuts and updates on what these organizations are up to and how you can get involved.  Father Brown will be there as well and give an opening address.  Naomi del Guidice will fill us in on NOvember.   Various groups including AM 1260 th

St Philomena Devotions at MQP Friday 8/11 after 6:15am & 8am Masses

St Philomena truly is the saint for our times.  She was called "the wonder worker" by St John Vianney and "the princess of heaven" by Padre Pio.  St Damien of Molokai, the missionary priest who cared for the lepers, was so devoted to St Philomena that he named his chapel after her.  Mother Cabrini always carried a small statute of St Philomena on her journeys.  She was beloved by many more of our saints and great popes including Pope Pius X. And so, the Diocese of Cleveland is tremendously blessed this Friday, August 11 to have a parish, Mary Queen of Peace, celebrating this great saint with special devotions after Mass.  These devotion to our beloved Wonderworker will include the Miraculous prayer of St Philomena, the Chaplet of St Philomena, the Novena of St Philomena, and a blessing with the oil of St Philomena.  These devotions will take place after both the 6:15 am Traditional Latin Mass and the 8am Novus Ordo Mass.  The heroic Father Brown has done it again. 

Feed the Hungry, Adoration, Mozart: Latin Mass Community Thrives in CLE

The Good, the True and The Beautiful.  The Cleveland Latin Mass Community has another very busy week in store for Catholics in Northeastern Ohio.    The Good On Monday, January 30, our favorite gang of young adult evangelizers, The Oliver Plunkett Social Club , is back in action at historic St Ignatius Antioch Church.  All area young adults are invited to join with the Plunketeers for a 5:30 pm Traditional Latin Mass followed by meal prep for the hungry in collaboration with the St Vincent de Paul Society.  If you have never been to a Plunkett event, this is the perfect time to start! Where: Saint Ignatius of Antioch Parish , Cleveland When: 5:30pm Traditional Latin Mass followed by food prep in the school cafeteria - Monday, January 30 The Plunkett club embraces the notion that Catholic Tradition is more than just Latin, incense and bells; it is feeding a neighbor, clothing a stranger, and rescuing the unborn.  (i.e. living the Church’s 2,000 year old tradition of corporal & spiri