Saturday 9/9 at MQP: Answering Chaos with Personal Holiness - Donuts & Updates from the Catacombs II

Yes, the world is a mess.  

But God never promised us this would be easy…

As His son explained: “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.”

And so, it is actually a great time to be Catholic in Cleveland, to pick up our cross, to sacrifice and to become a saint.  If you are lonely, come be with friends.  If you are nervous or even angry, come find peace. If you are apathetic, come find a cause to care about…you have a purpose.  

And Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.

On Saturday, September 9, following the 8am Latin Mass at Mary Queen of Peace Church on Pearl Rd, twelve Catholic and/or pro-family groups will be getting together for free coffee, donuts and updates on what these organizations are up to and how you can get involved.  Father Brown will be there as well and give an opening address.  Naomi del Guidice will fill us in on NOvember.  

Various groups including AM 1260 the Rock, Womankind, Confraternity of Christian Mothers, the Solanus Casey Project, Knights of Columbus, The Legion of Mary, Troops of St. George, St. Andrew Abbey, Knights of Columbus and Catholic podcaster Jessica Kramer will be providing up quick, two-minute updates.  

Una Voce will have a Cleveland Latin Mass update and details on its upcoming picnic.

There will be more.  So get there.  Share this info.  And bring a bunch of friends and family, and maybe a snack or water bottles to share.

On Facebook: more details here: MQP Catacombs II.

Consider the early martyrs, we got it easy, let's get to work:

"Holy First Martyrs of Rome, you each endured much torment, hatred, and abuse, ultimately shedding your blood as the result of your deep courage and love of Christ. Please pray for me, that I may be counted among your numbers in Heaven by manifesting the same depth of love and courage that you did."


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