5 Great Eucharistic Adoration Sites in Cleveland

The world has gone mad, no doubt.  But how should we respond?  Since we are basically only on this Earth for a nanosecond when compared to eternity, perhaps we should find time to talk to God, to discern His will for us, and then to try to do his will…make time to talk with our Lord, to listen to Him, and to beg Him for mercy.  One of the best ways to do this is at Eucharistic Adoration.  

"Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. In the many Churches that have this adoration, the Eucharist is displayed in a special holder called a monstrance, and people come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day and often the night. Christ’s great love for us was shown when he was crucified on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and give us eternal life. He loves us without limit, and offers Himself to us in the Holy sacrament of the Eucharist. Can we not give Jesus a few minutes of love and adoration in return?" https://www.therealpresence.org/eucharst/pea/a2.html

While Perpetual Adoration is still rare at the parish level, most Catholic churches nowadays set aside some time each week for Eucharistic Adoration so consult your bulletin.  But if you are looking for something a little special, a little more beautiful, here are our five favorites in and around the Cleveland diocese.  Some of these spots are daily, some just once a week, but this list is sure to be an eclectic one you will want to review. Our list ranges from probably the most beloved place in Cleveland to a couple of the more obscure sites.  But all five are quite beautiful, serene and peaceful and truly deserve to be visited.  

#5  The Poor Clares Monastery on 3501 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland

For good reason, this Poor Clares Monastery has been called by some “the holiest place in Ohio.”  Fortunately for laymen, this beautiful, transcendent chapel is open to the public for Eucharistic Adoration during the day.  Over the years, many have fallen in love with this near perfect, little slice of heaven.  If you have some serious praying to do or just want to chat with our Lord, there is no better location.  (Not ranked #1 solely because everyone seems to already know about it and it is the obvious choice.)

Everyone should really commit to visiting once a week - it would literally change the world. And while you are there, pray for vocations and particularly the intercession of St Veronica Giuliani - a little known 17th century Poor Clare's nun honored with a stain glass window in the chapel. ("Jesus told this saint that her writings and her life would remain in silence until the most difficult time in the Church and humanity.")

*Poor Clares Chapel open to the public daily beginning with 6:45am Mass and ending with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 7:30 pm on Mondays through Saturday. On Sundays, there is a 2:45 pm public Rosary and Benediction at 3pm. The Chapel remains open to the public until 7pm on Sundays.

#4 St Andrew Abbey 10510 Buckeye Rd, Cleveland

The Benedictine monks at the Abbey are one of Cleveland’s great treasurers.  Yet not many know that every Tuesday evening from 7:05-8:05 pm you can visit the Abbey and join the monks for Vigils and Adoration.  “Every Tuesday evening from 7:05-8:05 the monks of Saint Andrew Abbey, spend time with all the angels and saints in Adoration, as we recite our Vigils, along with the office of readings, before the presence of our very Creator, we then spend a half hour in silent prayer and meditation praying for the vocations of all those in our lives, please come and join us! to pray for your own vocation, or for vocations of your children, or for the vocations of those called to religious life. If you are looking for clarity as to where our Creator Wills you to be, the surest way to find that clarity is to come, kneel before His Presence and ask Him, He will guide you.”  

And yes, you are invited to participate with the monks every Tuesday.  Every Catholic in Cleveland really ought to experience this powerful Benedictine holy hour at least once.  Get there next Tuesday.

#3 St Rocco Chapel 3205 Fulton Rd (around back)

You probably are familiar with this tremendous parish on Fulton Ave run by the wonderful Mercedarians.  Yes, it has some great Italian festivals, but increasingly, it has become a refuge for those seeking reverence and beauty in their liturgies.    St Rocco’s main church is incredible, but the hidden gem is the small chapel around back which is open for Eucharistic Adoration only on Tuesdays from 9am to 6:30pm. Without a doubt, one of the best places to pray in Cleveland. 

#2 St Elizabeth of Hungary Shrine 9016 Buckeye Rd, Cleveland

One can not talk about historic and beautiful churches in Cleveland without mentioning St Elizabeth Shrine on Buckeye.  The Traditional Latin Masses there on Sunday (8am and 10am) are indeed “the most beautiful thing this side of heaven.”  Canon James T. Hoogerwerf of the Institute of Christ the King is now the rector at the Shrine and has already gained a reputation for his moving sermons frequently peppered with quotes from Aquinas, Vianney and his favorite, St Francis de Sales.  Currently, Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction take place Thursdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm.   If you are looking to grow in holiness,  head to this Shrine regularly.  Consult bulletin here.

#1   Mary Queen of Peace 4423 Pearl Rd Cleveland

Obviously, when constructing any list like this, the name Father Brown, and his parish Mary Queen of Peace,  just about auto-populate.  And for good reason.  The tireless, humble pastor is simply relentless when it comes to his efforts to evangelize and get people to Heaven.  If you are looking for a solid Catholic parish with old school friendliness and a loving selfless pastor, go to Mary Queen of Peace, immediately.  If you have been away from the Faith for a while, this fantastic parish is the perfect place to go and walk back into the loving arms of our Lord.  

There are always a ton of things going on at MQP, so just go there and get involved.  But MQP is #1 on this list particularly for its all-night Eucharistic Adoration every First Friday and Saturday.  Walk into this magnificent church at midnight, 1am or 4am on a First Saturday morning, and you are likely to find five, six, seven people scattered throughout praying before the Blessed Sacrament.  This is the way we will restore the Faith here in Cleveland.  The number of participants seems to grow each month.  The folks seem to know they are part of something special, something transcendent, something timeless.  Each month when First Friday and First Saturday roll around, just plan on driving over to MQP.  There are always Masses, devotions, confessions scheduled throughout the day - consult the bulletin - space does not permit listing everything Father Brown has going on.  If you are discouraged by our chaotic world or with certain Catholic leaders, stop by MQP - you will not be disappointed.  Join the fight. We need you. It is helpful to register for an hour ahead of time for All-night Adoration.

After experiencing our five favorites, why not set out on your own and find other Eucharistic Adoration treasures around Cleveland? Here is an entire list of churches where Eucharistic Adoration is available: Adoration in Ohio. So get out there and be like the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen who never missed spending an hour in daily Adoration:

"All my sermons are prepared in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. As recreation is most pleasant and profitable in the sun, so homiletic creativity is best nourished before the Eucharist. The most brilliant ideas come from meeting God face to face. The Holy Spirit that presided at the Incarnation is the best atmosphere for illumination. Pope John Paul II keeps a small desk or writing pad near him whenever he is in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament; and I have done this all my life - I am sure for the same reason he does, because a lover always works better when the beloved is with him."


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