Monday, August 9 Latin Mass & Potluck Picnic at St Ignatius Antioch - Oliver Plunkett Social Club

The Mass of the Ages….a historic church that almost closed...the Corporal Acts of Mercy....young adults...Catholic fellowship, laughter, friendship...potluck picinic...cornhole…more?

You are invited! It's 2nd Monday again at St. Ignatius of Antioch and time for another meeting of the Oliver Plunkett Social Club!  Please spread the word and plan on attending.  

Here are all the details from the invite which is posted as a FB event you can share with others:

This Monday, August 9th, immediately following the 5:30 Latin Mass we will have a Potluck Picnic in the St. Ignatius of Antioch parish parking lot.”

After Mass, we want to hang out to share a meal, play games, and enjoy some conversation. We'll bring cornhole, a frisbee, football, and a few other yard games – feel free to bring anything you'd like as well!



People are encouraged to bring a dish to share, **and will be able to drop off food in the air-conditioned school cafeteria prior to 5:30 mass if desired.** We will provide water, plates, napkins, cups, etc. If you're able, please bring some food to share. Fr. Estabrook will provide a grill and we'll have a few condiments in case people want to bring meat to cook out.


About the Oliver Plunkett Club:

The Oliver Plunkett Club is a Service & Social Group for Young Adult Catholics formed by individuals from Cleveland's Latin Mass parishes. We plan to meet monthly on the second Monday of each month for a social event and once a month for a service project. The social event on second Mondays always follows the 5:30 mass at St. Ignatius of Antioch.

A huge thank you to everybody who helped with our St. Elizabeth Fundraiser /meals for the poor initiative last month. We raised $360 for the 20 meals and an additional $600 beyond our goal which will be donated directly to St. Elizabeth's next week. We will continue with our service projects and are grateful for the enthusiastic participation thus far!


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