St Philomena Devotions at MQP Friday 8/11 after 6:15am & 8am Masses
St Philomena truly is the saint for our times. She was called "the wonder worker" by St John Vianney and "the princess of heaven" by Padre Pio. St Damien of Molokai, the missionary priest who cared for the lepers, was so devoted to St Philomena that he named his chapel after her. Mother Cabrini always carried a small statute of St Philomena on her journeys. She was beloved by many more of our saints and great popes including Pope Pius X.
And so, the Diocese of Cleveland is tremendously blessed this Friday, August 11 to have a parish, Mary Queen of Peace, celebrating this great saint with special devotions after Mass. These devotion to our beloved Wonderworker will include the Miraculous prayer of St Philomena, the Chaplet of St Philomena, the Novena of St Philomena, and a blessing with the oil of St Philomena. These devotions will take place after both the 6:15 am Traditional Latin Mass and the 8am Novus Ordo Mass. The heroic Father Brown has done it again. Thank you!
Letter from the Vatican City, 1834:
"The good St. Philomena continues to obtain all sorts of favors for those who are devoted to her. To describe here the cures and other miraculous favors obtained through her intercession would be to compose some volumes. At Rome are seen exposed in several churches, her picture and her relics. The people go in crowds to pay them veneration; they make prayers of nine days, three days, etc. Encourage and propagate devotion to the young Thaumaturga. You will receive from her, for yourself and for others, singular graces and favors."
Saints don't retire in heaven. We on earth just fail to petition them for favors. This year, particularly those of us in the diocese of Cleveland, (where St Philomena already has so many friends}, let's all petition St Philomena daily with this simple prayer:
"St. Philomena, Virgin and Martyr, powerful with God, obtain for us that purity of mind and heart which leads to the perfect love of God! "
St Philomena please help:
1. Restore the Catholic Faith in Cleveland
2. Fill our churches again!
3. Restore and fill our monasteries including the Poor Clares, the Benedictine Abbey and the Mercedarians
4. Protect and grow the Traditional Latin Mass for those who love it
5. Give us courageous leaders
6. Bring our friends, family and loved ones back to the Faith
7. Protect the unborn and our children, particularly in the State of Ohio
We ask this though Christ, our Lord!
We implore Thee, O Lord, by the intercession of Saint Philomena, Virgin and Martyr, who was ever most pleasing to Thy eyes by reason of her eminent purity and the practice of all the virtues, pardon us our sins and grant us all the graces we need Amen.
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