Beauty, Truth & Burgers: Monday 6/13 5:30pm @ St Ignatius Antioch
“...for from the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator.”
In a time of rampant chaos and nihilism, a growing group of young adults are rediscovering the timeless beauty, sacred truths and abundant goodness of the Catholic Faith. And then, over a juicy burger or perhaps a homemade brownie, they are getting together for some casual conversation and a few laughs….in urban Cleveland, at some of our city’s oldest and most historic churches.
True beauty is objective, transcendent and points toward God. The whole world was thus aghast when the Notre Dame Cathedral caught flames.
Locally, when Rome overturned the decision to close St. Ignatius of Antioch Church thirteen years ago, the entire town cheered. No one doubted the importance of this historic church. Thousands of local Catholics and even non-Catholics had rallied together to help save the majestic, sacred beauty. St Ignatius of Antioch was the exact type of parish Bishop Pilla had in mind in his groundbreaking Church in the City initiative. It was and is all of ours.
But then, like some precious antique stored away because it was too valuable to be touched, St Ignatius of Antioch was virtually forgotten. Until recently. When Father Estabrook brought another timeless beauty to the church….the Traditional Latin Mass.
If you believe the unjust stereotypes, you might assume that reintroducing the Latin Mass would attract only a few, angry old, divisive cranks in their 90’s and not many others. Not so. Instead, the Mass of the Ages together with the ancient beauty of the iconic church on West Blvd, has attracted energetic and enthusiastic young adults and young families as well as an eclectic and diverse group of older Catholics.
Far from divisive, the young adults (many who are members of the St Oliver Plunkett Young Adult Club) have become quite active in the life of the parish and are constantly looking for ways to give back to the neighborhood and parish community.
This upcoming Monday, on June13, the young Catholics in the Oliver Plunkett Club will be hosting another great event at St Ignatius Antioch.
If you are a young Catholic, you need to be there! If you know of a someone who might be interested please invite them!
The Young Adult Social kicks off at 5:30 pm with a Traditional Latin Mass includes:
Second Monday Social at St. Ignatius of Antioch (linked to FB invite):
Latin Mass, BBQ, games, and night prayer
Confessions 4:45-5:15ish
Traditional Latin Mass 5:30
Potluck BBQ (after mass ends)
Night Prayer
Please bring some food to share if you're able! Here's a sign-up sheet with suggestions so we can cover the basics.…
We'll join together for Mass and then grill out in the small grassy area behind the Rectory.
Feel free to bring a ball or yard game if you're up for an activity!
And for more info on the Latin Mass in Cleveland visit:
Check out our new website OliverPlunkett.Club for more details about the group
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