Hallmark Latin Mass Christmas Movie Proposal - Synopisis
A young,workaholic philosophy professor, Athanasius Burke, returns to Northeastern Ohio to celebrate Christmas with his family. Upon his arrival home, Athanasius learns the sad news that his treasured childhood parish may be losing the Traditional Latin Mass. The next morning at breakfast, he agrees to help his family attempt to save the Latin Mass at St Killian.
Later that day while visiting his favorite Catholic bookstore, Athanaisius bumps into former girlfriend, Mamie Tullamore. Mamie has taken over operation of the bookstore after her aunt suffered an adverse reaction related to a vaccine. The bookstore has a small bakery and the two enjoy hot chocolate and her aunt’s famous Advent cookies - the best in town. They agree to meet the next evening.
In the morning, Athanasius attends the “Save the Latin Mass at St Killian'' meeting. Although only in town for two weeks, Athanasius is drafted as the leader. He learns that the diocese will be deciding between St Killian and St Maximillian’s parish - only one will be permitted to keep the Latin Mass in this mid-sized town. Unbeknownst to Athanasius, that morning Mamie was at a similar meeting to “Save the Latin Mass at St. Max’s.'' And Mamie was chosen to lead that effort.
That evening while taking a horse drawn carriage ride through public square, the two learn of the other’s new role and begin to quarrel.
“You are only in town for like one week why are you getting involved in this?”
“St Killian is my childhood parish and it is important to my family.”
“The restoration of the Latin Mass saved St Max’s a few years back by bringing in new parishioners and bringing back many who had left the Faith.”
“Well, it has done the same thing at St Killian. Young adults are searching for the Good, the True and the Beautiful. We have a huge TLM youth group and without the Latin Mass the most historic and beautiful church in town may have to close.”
The two separate after the carriage ride and storm off into the night - not even bothering to have a snowball fight.
The next morning, the town awakens to a foot and a half of new snow. Ironically, both Athanasius and Mamie had received an invite to the same event - the annual singing of Pro-life Christmas Carols in front of the town’s ghoulish abortion clinic. To take their minds off the unpleasantness of the previous evening, each independently decides to head out into the 18 inches of fresh snow to do some singing.
Mamie arrives a bit late and realizes that due to the weather, Athanaius is the only one there. As the blizzard conditions begin to pick up, the two start to sing “Silent Night.” The “clinic” owner, Ebenizer Augustine, alone in the soulless building, stares out the 2nd floor window and almost involuntarily begins to sing along. The elevator is broken again, so he walks down the steps, out the door, and joins the two in song on the snow covered sidewalk. Moved by the two’s selfless love, Ebenizer declares: “Monday I’m boarding this place up, fumigating it, and asking the bishop to exorsize it.”
The bishop, amazed by the miraculous closing, invites all three to lunch. Once there, Mamie and Athanaius prevail upon the bishop to save the Latin Mass at both parishes. The bishop agrees and even consents to baptizing Ebenizer in the Old Rite. Athansius then informs Mamie he has decided to stay in Ohio and is taking a job as dean of the newly formed Classical Catholic Academy.
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