Advent Carols @ PreTerm Sunday 12/19: Bringing Hope & Joy of Christmas to CLE's Darkest Place
“Silent night! Holy night! All is calm! All is bright!”
Once again this year, the Solanus Casey Project will be bringing the hope and joy of Christmas to one of Cleveland’s darkest places. On Sunday, 12/19 from 1:30 to 2:30 pm, friends of the Solanus Casey Project will be singing Advent Carols in front of PreTerm. Gift-wrapped new winter gloves, hats, and socks, gift cards and lightly worn coats will also be given away to folks in the PreTerm neighborhood. Many of these items were donated by the families at Padre Pio Academy and by young adults active in the St. Oliver Plunkett Social Club. All of Cleveland is welcome to participate in the carolling.
The involvement of the Oliver Plunkett Club is an exciting development this year. A group only recently formed by young adults from Cleveland’s Latin Mass parishes, the OPC has quickly become one of the fastest growing clubs in the diocese. A recent OPC Advent Retreat at Mary Queen of Peace had sixty young adults participate. The group meets after the 5:30pm Latin Mass at historic St. Ignatius of Antioch on the second Monday of every month and usually plans an additional service project for each month.
This month the OPC helped supply and wrap gifts for the Christmas caroling event. The selfless crew of evangelizers is already playing a major role in revitalizing some of Cleveland’s most beautiful and historic urban churches. These youngsters truly embrace what the late Bishop Pilla called “the Church in the City.”
Sunday’s Christmas Carol event also has the support of the heroic folks involved with Cleveland’s 40 Days for Life effort. Last year, over thirty people from all over town showed up to pray and sing for the protection of the unborn. Organizers would love to see a similar turn out this year.
The Solanus Casey Project endeavors to “overcome evil with good.” It believes that almsgiving is an often overlooked practice in spiritual battles. Almsgiving incorporates the spiritual practices of prayer and fasting in a way that manifests itself by caring for our neighbors in need. Accordingly, each Friday from 2pm to 4:30, friends of the Solanus Casey Project pray the Rosary in front of PreTerm while giving away baby clothes, diapers, snack bags, winter gear, gift cards, Miraculous Medals and Rosaries. It also helps sponsor this annual carolling event.
Please consider joining in on this wonderful activity, Sunday, December 19 from 1:30 to 2:30 on the sidewalks outside of PreTerm. We plan to have donuts and hot chocolate.
"It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you ... yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand." Mother Teresa
Link to a Facebook inite to event for additional detais.
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