Great Turnout for Latin Mass & Young Adult Social Hour at Historic St. Ignatius of Antioch
A Monday night. Torrential rain. An old urban church. An even older liturgy. A poorly scheduled first social hour? People on vacation..out of town. It’s 30 minutes to Mass time. The Oliver Plunkett Social Club kick-off starts right after.. . “Let’s only put out one box of pizza, we can donate the rest to St. Herman’s if only a couple people show up.”
And then the parking lot began to slowly fill...and continue to fill. Despite the Monday and the rain, they came just the same. Close to 90 people turned out for Father Estabrook’s regularly scheduled 5:30pm Latin Low Mass. Many of them young, new faces.
Afterward, 60 or so young adults walked in the rain over to the air-conditioned cafetaria for an informal gathering of traditionally-minded young Catholic adults. The Oliver Plunkett Social Club was born. Father Estabrook was enthusiastic and gave some words of encouragement. The pizza went quickly, but there were tasty desserts and more - thanks to the generosity of some moms in a local Rosary group who were thrilled to hear about the group and help out.
The young adults laughed and talked for an hour or two. Some had never been to the incredibly beautiful church on West Blvd and Lorain. They will be back. Others enthusiastically exchanged ideas on volunteer opportunities the group might work together on in the future. New friendships were quickly formed.
A frequent theme was finding a way to give back to those Cleveland urban parishes (St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Stephen’s, Immaculate Conception, St. Rocco’s, St. Elizabeth’s, Mary Queen of Peace) that have Latin Masses and tend to be in poorer neighborhoods. It was almost an unknowing acknowledgement of former Bishop Pilla’s excellent Church in the City initiative.
In the end it was clear why so many young adults from all over Northeastern Ohio turned out on an otherwise miserable Monday night. The beauty of that historic church one can see shining from I-90. The timeless, awe-inspiring Traditional Latin Mass. And then, the relaxed fellowship of friends new and old. “Why hadn’t we gotten together before?” It seemed so natural and likely the beginning of something that will change our community for the better.
“From quiet homes and first beginning, Out to the undiscovered ends, There's nothing worth the wear of winning, But laughter and the love of friends.” Hillaire Belloc
The Oliver Plunkett Social Club promises to host more such friendly gatherings where the young, traditionaly-minded can meet to relax, laugh, exchange ideas and enjoy each other's company. The plans include monthly social hours at St. Ignatius of Antioch on second Mondays following the regularly-scheduled 5:30 pm Latin Mass. And in the future, occasionally getting together for volunteer efforts and special events. Please help spread the word to young adults who might be interested.
The club is sure to be a fun way for young adults to gather and share their love of Truth, Beauty and Goodness with others. College-aged young adults and older are welcome to attend. Please consider joining in and bring some friends. The next event will be Monday, August 9 following the regularly scheduled 5:30 pm Traditional Latin Mass at St. Ignatius of Antioch
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