The Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Help Save the Unborn

Below a tremendous report on how the prayerful presence of the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament outside of Preterm helped save an unborn baby's life!

Former abortionists and former abortion workers consistently report that when pro-life witnesses gather and pray outside abortion clinics it has a dramatic impact on reducing the number of abortions performed.  Please get out and pray at Preterm.  One pro-life hero is at Preterm every Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 6.  Please join him when you can.  And there are always a pro-life warriors at  Preterm on Saturday mornings.

Below is a great story on how a prayerful presence can save a life:

A very encouraging report from the folks who help organize the Cleveland Chapter of 40 Days for Life:

"It was a very busy day, reports Rosary for Life. At least 15 pro-lifers were at Preterm praying  and counseling and those missing faithful Saturday prayer warriors had been excused for more time to unwrap their Christmas presents. (LOL) But behold, an army of angels appeared on the battlefield! It was 14 members of the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in their white habits from Mount Carmel Convent on Detroit Ave! They were singing, shouting praises, praying the rosary, and counseling. The four escorts leaned over the wall watching the Sisters the whole time stunned and amazed."

"A baby was saved from abortion! Credit the powerful intercession and witness of the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament to God for saving this child! A woman entered the abortion mill as the Sisters were chanting the Divine Mercy Chaplet and other reverent songs and prayers. The man who had brought the woman called himself a friend and not responsible for the child in her womb. He further said that he had two daughters and did not believe in abortion. It was pointed out to him that he was an accomplice to this evil by providing the transportation and that the child in the womb was no different than his daughters. He expressed that he would lay down his life for his daughters and could do no less for the child in the womb! With the Mercedarian Sisters praying out loud in the background, the man entered Preterm.  Within a few minutes he exited the building with the woman he had brought. As they drove past, they held up the pro-life literature and joyfully smiled and waved as they fled from death! Please share the good news with the Sisters and thank them for this end of the year "SAVE" following the celebration of the birth of Christ."


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