Seven Catholic Things to do This Weekend 9/27 to 9/30

The scouting alternative we have all been waiting for, 40 Days for Life, 2 bonfires, and more highlight an incredible list of 7 Catholic things to do this weekend.

1    1.  We are not sure what this is all about, but it involves a bonfire, smores and Mary Queen of Apostles parish - - - so it must be awesome. For young adults Reflections by the Bonfire.  Some details: 

      “Join us on Friday, September 27 for a bonfire and reflection. Come for an evening of faith, fellowship & s’mores! All are welcome!" Sponsored by the Mary Queen of Apostles Young Adult Ministry. 

Let them know you are coming here, young adults:  Reflections by the Bonfire

1.      2.  We probably don’t need to even mention 40 Days for Life…….except, we do!!!  Get involved.  If you missed the kick off, it is never too late to start praying & fasting for the unborn.  So start right now.  Pray daily, sacrifice daily, and get out to Preterm.  Even more so than usual, Preterm has been an epicenter of misery and evil of late.  Ambulances show up routinely, mothers have died and been injured, and of course the slaughter of innocent children at this place is beyond tragic.  This is the weekend you get serious about this demonic monster.  It will be defeated.  Get involved here: 40 days for Life Cleveland.  

1     3.  OK, we weren’t going to mention the Latin Mass this week, but we’ve gotten so much positive feedback and so many new faces keep showing up the last few weeks, well….here you go:   Friday night, pick an Immaculate Conception.  6pm in Cleveland and 7pm in Willoughby.  Saturdays now have two choices – 8 am at Mary Queen of Peace and 9 am atSt. Elizabeth (which is less than one mile from Preterm if you want to head over for a Rosary before or after).  Sunday, well there is a full slate.  Check out one of these two great websites.

4. Speaking of St. Elizabeth of Hungary,  life doesn’t get any better than the annual Hungarian Fall Festival at St Elizabeth of Hungary parish on Buckeye.  The food and music are guaranteed to be epic.  

So go and enjoy so great food and music while supporting this beautiful, historic Church,  Details are here:  Hungarian Festival.

1.    5.   Someday, during better times, there will be a waiting line outside to get into the Poor Clares Chapel for Eucharistic Adoration.  It is truly one of the most beautiful, peaceful places on Earth to pray.  But for now, you can just stroll right in and pray 7 am to 7 pm.  3501 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland,

1.    6.   This  one looks good.  And believe it or not, another bonfire (a new 7’s record).  

Troops of Saint George: Dads Info Night & Bonfire   We are just going to let these folks speak for themselves:

I am in the beginning stages of chartering a Troops of St. George group, Troop 153, to serve the West and South sides of Cleveland that will be partnered with Mary Queen of Peace in Old Brooklyn.
 TSG provides a context for men and young men to grow in love for Christ and His Catholic Church while experiencing a life of virtue and adventure.  We will meet 1-2 x a month where we will hike, camp and do other activities like rock climbing, archery, laser tag, etc...
 We are looking to recruit new members; energetic Catholic boys ages 6-18, along with their fathers.  I will be hosting an Info Night/Bonfire for interested Dads at my home in Independence September 4th at 7:30.
 Email me, Joel Woods, to sign up at and I will send you my address and further details.

More details here.:  Troops of St George 

7.  Mentioned this one last week, but it definitely needs to be repeated:  Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider recently announced a Crusade of Prayer and Fasting.  Definitely jump in on this.  They call on the faithful to pray and fast over a 40 day period leading up to the Amazon Synod.  Read more here:

“Know that the greatest service that man can offer to God is to help convert souls.” St. Rose of Lima


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