Labor Day Latin Mass 8 am at The Mac (So...why don't more folks attend Mass on Fed Holidays?)

According to the good folks at the Cleveland TLM Friends Blog, there will be an 8 am Latin Low Mass on Labor Day at the Immaculate Conception Church in Cleveland.

And you got to love this, the Latin Low Mass will be at St. Joseph's side altar.  Very nice!

Most people are off Labor Day.  The Mass is at 8 am - - not a lot of conflicts at that time of day.  No other Latin Mass scheduled elsewhere in Cleveland that day.  Immaculate Conception is conveniently located to all sides of town,  

Are we nuts to expect that a couple hundred people to show up?

Not judging (really) but we here at the Restoration Review have never understood why so few Catholics go to Mass on federal holidays.  

If anyone could shed some light on the topic, feel free to share your insights.

But seriously, are we really the only Catholics in Cleveland who get this excited about the use of a side altar?  


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