
Showing posts from March, 2022

Free Lenten Retreat 3/26 for Cleveland Young Adults - You Are Invited!

Fr Doug Brown, Fr Kevin Estabrook, Fr Michael Petkosek and Fr Matt Pfeiffer will lead a free Lenten retreat at Mary Queen of Peace this Saturday (3/26) for young adults.   The event includes a Traditional Latin Mass, Adoration, Confession and talks as well as complimentary Breakfast and Lunch. The retreat is being sponsored by the Oliver Plunkett Social Club. In only its first year, this innovative group has raised funds for an inner-city parish, distributed free Chicken Paprikash dinners in the Buckeye neighborhood, prayed at PreTerm, and hosted several relaxed, fun and informal gatherings for young Catholic adults. On a monthly basis the group helps distribute meals at St Ignatius Antioch. Just last week members of the club helped raise over $1,600 to purchase fish dinners at the Benedictine Fish Fry and distribute the meals to neighbors near PreTerm stating: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. " See here: This bold an...