
Showing posts from September, 2021

St. Ignatius Antioch Latin Mass 5:30 pm Monday: Fellowship, Fun & Philbin? This Month’s Oliver Plunkett Social Club Gathering

The Oliver Plunkett Social Club is back in action with a great upcoming event.  Founded by Cleveland area young adult Catholics, the group combines a love of the Latin Mass with hearts of gold dedicated to finding creative ways to give back to the Cleveland community.  Their combination of Faith and Philanthropy has already resulted in a thriving young community dedicated to doing good while having a very good time.   This Monday, September 13th, the club will gather for the regularly scheduled 5:30pm Monday Latin Mass at historic St. Ignatius Church.    Following Mass, the group will gather in the cafeteria for a potluck meal and a short presentation from Andy Philbin of Sidewalk Advocates for Life. The Sidewalk Advocates for Life have revolutionized the sidewalk counseling effort in Cleveland outside of PreTerm.  Andy will talk about the group's upcoming Day of Prayer at Preterm on September 25, providing some brief training tips for everyone and explaini...