Cleveland Latin Mass Community Feeds Poor to Help Historic Hungarian Church’s Fundraiser
So how did young Catholic adults from the suburbs wind up distributing free Chicken Paprikash dinners next to an abortion clinic in a struggling Buckeye neighborhood while raising nearly a thousand dollars for a historic Hungarian church and parish? Fools for’s a marvelous tale that exemplifies how the Latin Mass in Cleveland has helped bring together a wide variety of people in the service of Christ our King. One of the great blessings resulting from Pope Benedict making the Traditional Latin Mass more widely available was that it brought the energy and enthusiasm of active, young Catholics into urban areas where most incredibly beautiful churches tend to reside. The Jewel on Buckeye, St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church, is a fine example. The Traditional Latin Mass is celebrated there most Saturdays at 9 am by Benedictine monk, Father Bede O.S.B.. So when a couple of young adults learned that St. Elizabeth of Hungary was holding a fundraiser, they deci...