Remembering Luis
Back in January, on a snowy Friday afternoon, we were praying on Shaker Blvd when a tall, young 30ish looking guy hopped out of his car and gave us two brand new winter coats to give away as part of the Solanus Casey Project. At the time, we barely knew him. His name was Luis. His generosity brought to mind a St Francis quote: “Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received--only what you have given away.” We got to know Luis a bit more in the coming months and soon began to see him everywhere. Whenever we would go to the Monday evening Traditional Latin Mass at St Ignatius of Antioch, there would be Luis. We would sporadically go to Eucharistic Adoration at St Rocco on Tuesdays, but when we did, there would be Luis. When we mentioned to someone that we saw Luis serving a weekday morning Latin Mass at Immaculate Conception, we learned that he would ride his bike from Ohio City to E40 & Superior to serve....