Remembering local Prolife hero, Brother Patrick Ryan OSB: “To Jesus, through Mary, with a smile"
Cleveland has had many great voices for the unborn. Today we look back at a special one, Brother Patrick Ryan, OSB. It has been almost seven years since his death, but many in the pro-life community still fondly recall the humble, joyful Benedictine monk from St. Andrew's Abbey. He helped save many unborn lives with his prayer and wise counsel outside abortion clinics. “To Jesus, through Mary, with a smile" was his winning strategy. The followng is an excerpt from the St Andrew Abbey magazine: On Monday, January 12, 2015, shortly after the conventual morning Mass celebrated by the prior concluded in the abbey church, word was received that our beloved Brother Patrick Ryan, OSB, had been welcomed to the Supper of the Lamb as he passed away at 7:20 AM at Regina Health Center in Richfeld, Ohio where he had sufered with an inoperable tumor for the past year. Brother Patrick was 82 years old and had been professed as Benedictine monk for 62 years... ***** ...