Pro-lifers launch “Free Coat Friday” 3pm to 5pm at PreTerm
“Be not overcome by evil: but overcome evil by good." A group of pro-lifers who regularly pray for expectant mothers and their babies in front of Preterm on Friday afternoons have begun distributing free coats, hats, gloves, sweaters and blankets to those in the Preterm neighborhood. On a recent Friday between 3pm to 5pm, over ten coats were distributed as well as five or six boxes of various other winter gear. The effort, known as the Solanus Casey Project, began this February when one of the new regulars noticed how one long-time prayer warrior, Fred, interacted with folks who happened to be walking by on the sidewalk as he prayed the Rosary for the unborn. “Fred is there from 2pm to 6pm every Wednesday and Friday and everyone seems to know him and trust him. One week he is providing a hungry stranger a candy bar; the next week a passerby stops and Fred is trying to find him homeless shelter. And the entire time, Fred is constan...